
1. The system returns results beginning with the search term. E.g. Search term "N8193" returns "N8193", "N8193.I4", etc; search term "科学" returns "科学", "科学 -- 研究", etc.
2. If the search term is prefixed with "%", the system returns results containing the search term. E.g. Search term "%科学" returns "内科学", "儿科学 -- 解题", etc.
3. It is not browse. E.g. Search term "N8194" does not return "N8193". If there is no result, shorten the search term from the end and try again.
4. Subject heading delimiter is " -- ". Input it including the space exactly. E.g. search term "China -- Armed Forces".
5. Input all symbols including period as in Alma. E.g. search term "china --" does not return "China. -- Guo jia bo wu guan -- Catalogs".